Would You Rather…?

Would you rather be an art teacher or a physical education teacher?


I would rather be an art teacher because I love to draw, and I would like it even more if I can help teach other people. I would rather not be a PE teacher because the gym isn’t my thing to teach. I don’t think it’s in my best interest to boss kids around to work out when I can help kids who have a passion for art just like me.

What would you rather be?

14 thoughts on “Would You Rather…?

  1. I would want to be a physical education teacher because you get to have fun all day and play games.

  2. I disagree! Being a gym teacher for me would be more fun than being an art teacher. (and I’m not good at art)

  3. I would be an art teacher because when I draw it sometimes helps me to relax.

  4. Hey Sarah,
    I am not athletic, but I am less artistic, so I would have to choose the PE teacher. Although, I would like to be a student in your art class.

  5. I would choose to be a gym teacher because even though I know how to draw you basically just play sports and be active all day.

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